By knowing the task at hand in depth and with great respect for the intricate details related to electromechinal interlocking we have enabled our customers to move testing to an earlier project stage than ever before.
Operations Research.
20+ actual interfaces.
10+ deployed units.
Multiple different locations.
Remote operation.
Uncompromizing dedication.
The company was founded in 2015 and provides state of the art services related to interlocking integration and testing facilities. The products we provide are designed to be versatile, easy to use and very supportive in locating interlocking issues.
Review of documentation on the interfaces to simulate
Deployment and configuration of our products
Analysis and estimates on recommended products and services
FIT, FAT, SIT, SAT and any other testing enabled by our products - everyday with no train operation down time.
The company is backed by an elite group of railway specialist ranging from systems integration over stake holder management to risk mitigation specialists.
Jørgen Wanscher
Head Of Everything
Cand.Scient.Ph.d. in Operations Research with hands-on railway interlocking experience
Systematic test procedures
Operations stabilisation
Proactive test management
Interface documentation review
System Integration analysis
Risk identification and mitigation
The general assembly 2022 will be held on the 25th of February at the company address.
We strive to provide bleeding edge approaches to enabling our customers achieving unprecedented risk-minimization and stability within railway interlocking.
Our products are designed for testing and simulation purposes with extensive self testing and fast failure recovery as main design principles.
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